
Showing 10 of 14 Results



Trademarks in Hong Kong

The Registry must evaluate your application to ensure it complies with the Trade Marks Ordinance and the Trade Mark Rules. It will also check that it does not conflict with any previously registered marks.



什麼是 SEO 中的反向鏈接和關鍵字?

反向鏈接是從另一個網站指向您的網站的鏈接。這些鏈接可以促進您的搜索引擎優化。他們還可以幫助您建立作為某個主題專家的可信度。您可以通過成為新聞報導的來源或使用 HARO 等服務與正在尋找專家的記者聯繫來獲得高質量的反向鏈接。

Branding and Trademarks

A trademark is a design, symbol or word that identifies the source of a product or service. For example, the word “Coca-Cola” identifies the products made by one company and distinguishes them from those made by others.

What You Need to Know About Airport Transfers in Cancun

Airport transfers are a very convenient way to get to and from the airport. There are several types of transfers available, including private, public and terminal transfers. You should make sure you choose the type of transfer you need, based on where you’re going and how you’re getting there.

How to Improve Your Customer Experience With a Moving Company

The best way to improve your customer experience is to communicate effectively. Your communication should be friendly and transparent, and your company should use social listening tools to understand what your customers want. Whether they’re looking to move to a new city or simply need to relocate, you should listen to their needs and concerns and resolve them quickly.